Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Launch

Thank you to those who joined us for the Church Based Training Symposium last week in Budapest. We had a great couple of days together, discussing the concepts of CBT and thinking about how to implement the principles in our churches. Our ultimate goal is to glorify God and grow His church, raising up godly men and women to lead and influence His people for the Kingdom.

The symposium was a great launching point . . . let’s continue the discussion. This blog is here to help us develop our network and support one another in this process. Post your thoughts and questions. We want to hear from you!

1 comment:

  1. I think that the symposium was a great idea. The discussions were planned very well. My problem was that I had nobody from my church with me so I couldn´t join the discussion very often.
    I also awaited that there will be more of "know how" teaching. But it´s maybe because I´m a student :-).
