Monday, March 16, 2009

Are Pastors Primarily Facilitators?

One of the principles of church-based training is that, 'Pastors and elders are primarily facilitators in their roles as teachers and overseers.'

The roles of pastor and elder have been divided in various ways based on ecclesiology, but this discussion isn't aimed at that question. Are they primarily facilitators in those roles (regardless of how their roles are defined)? Does the passage in Acts 20 support this? Maybe Ephesians 4?

What about the pastor who says, "My call is to preaching the Word?" Or the elder who says, "I am to oversee the flock." Are they to mainly be facilitators? How do you see it?

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading "Lead like Jesus" by Ken Blanchard. Today I read that one way to recognize the good work of a servant leader is by looking at those who are doing his work when his time of leadership is over. Reference is made to Jesus' work with the disciples in John 15:15 and 14:12. I agree and am asking myself "what am I doing now to prepare those who will replace me?".
    Ephesians 4 presents pastors as equippers, not doers. Mature believers who have been developed by their leaders then edify each other.
