Friday, March 6, 2009

Live Blogging from the Dialogue on Leadership

I'm in Naples, Italy with Tim Faulkner for the event he is hosting, 'A Dialogue on Leadership - Developing Christian Leaders'. I'll try to put some of the more provocative ideas up here for discussion. The first one is easy. It came in the first few minutes of Dr. Steven Moyer's initial presentation.

Leaders are stewards, not owners.

Wow. He referenced Luke 12:42 if you want to look at that.

How would that attitude change what you do in your relationships? Have you tried to help anyone else understand this principle in their leadership? What have you done and how has it gone?

1 comment:

  1. We would hope that this conference hosted by Istituto Biblico Cristiano would be the first of many we can do for the leaders in Italy and Europe. The key phrase of the weekend was "First follow, then serve, then lead."

    Let us know how we can serve.

    Todd, thanks for coming down.
